Player Ratings: Barcelona 2-0 Manchester United
Barcelona are champions of Europe after a 2-0 win over Manchester United at the Stadio Olimpico. Goal.com rates the (BARCELONA) players on show...

Valdes -7.0: Did not have too much to do during the game, but did produce a fine save from Ronaldo at 2-0.
Puyol -7.5: Switched to right back in place of the suspended Dani Alves and, despite the odd diagonal ball over his shoulder, was rarely troubled. Almost grabbed a third.
Pique -7.5: A few sloppy moments, but made two vital challenges on Park and Rooney to prevent almost-certain goals. Showed real heart did Pique.
Toure -7.0: What Toure lacked with his positioning, he made up for with strength and pace. After a tricky first 20 minutes against Ronaldo, he grew to have a solid match in his emergency centre back role.
Sylvinho -7.0: Another second-choice defender who filled in admirably. The 35-year-old only allowed Rooney to get in behind him on one occasion. Also supported well going forward.
Busquets -7.0: Guardiola opted for the youngster ahead of Keita, and he did him proud. Nothing flashy, held his position tactically, and gave the ball to Xavi and Iniesta to do all the damage.
Xavi -9.0: A genius. Xavi is quite simply the best playmaker in world football. Ran the game from the 25th minute onwards, assisted Messi's goal, created Henry and Puyol's one-on-one chance, hit the post with a free kick, and did so much more.
Iniesta -9.0: Started tentatively, but soon dominated the game along with partner in crime Xavi. Provided the pass for Eto'o goal, embarked on numerous dizzy runs, and was unplayable for long stretches.
Messi -7.5: Not at his brilliant best, but had his moments and most importantly scored the killer second - his first against English opposition, and a rare headed goal.
Eto'o -7.5: Gave Vidic and Ferdinand constant headaches with his running. Scored the first goal by outfoxing the Serbian centre, and linked up well with Messi, Iniesta and Xavi.
Henry -6.5: Clearly not fully fit, but could have got onto the scoresheet when he tricked Ferdinand on 50 minutes and saw his one-on-one saved by van der Sar. Finally gets his hand on the Champions League.
Keita 6.5: Tightened up the midfield after coming on for Henry at 2-0.
Pedro - N/V: Came on in injury time.
Off topic: Pep 第一年執教就贏三冠﹐個頭開得太高太好了﹐對未來既發展唔係太好 :(
恭喜哂收兄, 不管如何都開心哂啦~~
小弟今次睇高左49000, 馬後炮都要抽下水, 原來差d 唔記得呢隊「世界第一球會」近兩季打過既逆境波寥寥可數, 一失波在先即走樣, 仲有廢sir咁重用傑斯、史高斯班死老鬼, 佢地有咩未拎過, 有幾多爭勝決心冇理由唔知..仲有果個屎柒足球先生, 攻就急守就hea, 落後一球個心一味急住做救世主, 結果狂中offside陷阱.. 草泥馬戈壁得SB!!!
但可觀性黎講, i feel呢場決賽係近年咁多場之中最差果一兩場黎..童言無忌, 得罪哂!
我覺得場波好似舊年超級盃對辛尼特,又係曼聯對一些踢法機動的球隊死火的時刻。同埋尋晚費 sir 排到個陣唔可以 return 番4個中場,搞到中前場球員同後防拉得好遠,大家係無乜coordination 的情況下,巴塞中場孖寶沙維、恩尼斯達真係好容易就傳到波,非常輕鬆。同埋佩奧爾下半場係咁爆seed,施雲奴又係左邊不斷做駁腳傳送,優勝劣敗,清晰可見。
有人話巴塞頭10分鐘任曼聯進攻,你唔入啊?好,巴塞打80分鐘好波KO 你,唔知呢個講法有幾多人認同喇...
高Q大棍, 跑狗戰術俾人徹底收皮呢下先睇得最爽
各位大佬﹕個人覺得巴塞初段其實有點失準﹐但這反而引了曼聯眾將出洞。巴塞這類球隊係千萬不能讓他行得太順﹐不然誰也莫敵。車仔之前能夠搞到巴塞頭痛﹐全因球員搶截圍幹得出色。另一原因係巴塞早早打開紀錄﹐令曼聯陣腳大亂。當然﹐老費頭有大把時間也未能把球隊調度好﹐實在係no excuse。
Visca el Barça!! Visca Catalunya!!!
Hey, winston 兄﹐好耐無見﹗﹗有無興趣學曼聯迷0甘﹐搞個勝利巴士巡遊﹖*grin* :)))
根據巴塞官方網頁,中國只有兩個巴塞官方球迷會(Penyes) ── 一個在北京、一個在上海。
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